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Wednesday 3 July 2013

Does Al-Quran compatible to science ?

  Al-Quran is the miracle of miracles. Al-Quran is the words of Allah that received by the prophet s.a.w to us.Al-Quran always stand attach to time . Why I am saying this ? 1400 years ago , it was an age of literature and poetry and Al-Quran be the BEST arabic literature on the face of the Earth. Today is the age of science and technology and Al-Quran be the evidence of truth that reveal the phenomenon of science.
Yet, Al-Quran is not a book of SCIENCE but it is a book of SIGNS, books of ayat.
Albert Einstein
According to Albert Einstein " Science without religion is LAME , and religion without science is BLIND "

Now, let us discover Surah Al-Fushilat verses 53
              " We will show them soon, evidences of Our truth from every corner of the world and from within themselves , until it become clear to them , that Al-Quran is the truth , Is it not enough that your God can see everything "

 Is London's future islamic?
It‘s the capital‘s fastest growing religion, based on noble traditions and compassionate principles, yet Islam can still be tainted by mistrust and misunderstanding. I suggest you to read this  :
 One of the reason is the scientific finding that have been proved in this century but its already stated in Al-Quran 1400 years ago . Subhanallah

Cenote Angelita sea river near Tulum, Mexico (Credit: stefinho)    
A group of divers have discovered an undersea river, complete with trees and leaves flowing on the sea bed.  Besides this single undersea river, other instances of river under water have been discovered by scientists all over the world. These findings have made scientists all over the world to consider the possibility of existence of more such rivers under sea and on ocean beds. What was earlier considered as a miracle or maybe an instance of paranormal activity has now scientific explanations to make this process clearer. This makes one thing certain rivers under the sea can exist scientifically. The river is actually a thin layer of hydrogen sulphate separate the fresh water at the top from the salt water below and the fresh pure water does not mix with the salty water around it as if there is a wall membrane that separate them.
Now, let consider the following Quranic verses
From surah al-furqan verses 53
  " And He is the one who let the two seas flow , one is pure and fresh while the other one is salty and bitter and He made between those two a wall and barrier which seperate them. "
From surah Ar-Rahman verses 19
  " He let two oceans meet between those two , there is a barrier which cannot be penetrated "
 Mr.Costeau who is the oceanographer from Frances said , it is impossible for Al-Quran to be written by Muhammad himself who lived in the seventh century an age where there is no high-tech driving equipment whatsoever to reach the remote area of the ocean depth . It is a truly evidence of truth , a news about strange phenomenon from 14 century ago and it is proven on the 20 century.

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